Sunday, July 8, 2018

Similarities of Israel and the Philippines

I just finished reading the Book of Daniel, and now I'm reading the Book of Jeremiah.

Reading the Book of Jeremiah, I had a realization, that I can't help but weep like Jeremiah did. 

Jeremiah was weeping for his nation, and I can't help but see the similarities of the sins and wrongdoings of Israel to my country, the Philippines. 

A lot! Yes, a lot of similarities. 

Turn your tv or radio on, and listen to the news. There is no single day that no news of crime has been reported. Not because the media chose to always report on these things, but because crime is everywhere. And the media has no choice, but to make these crimes known to the public. 

Robbery. Rape. Murder. Corruption.

Don't you think that these are the only issues? 

Because it is not.

Go outside and observe your neighborhood. Observe your family's relationship with your neighborhood? Then, ask yourself, "Do we love our neighbor? Do we really love our neighbor just the way Jesus commanded? Do we love our neighbor, as we love ourselves?"

There's gossip, judgment, envy, pride, and many issues arising in the neighborhood. Even robbery is not absent in the neighborhood.

That's what this article is telling us, we really do not love our neighbors. 

We are selfish humans. We always want and desire things for ourselves. It always about me, myself and I.

And that's what Jeremiah was exactly implying at. How the nation of Israel, do their own things without love. They neglected the 10 Commandments given to them, (even the 2 commandments of Jesus that summarizes the 10) And their ending? Punishment! They believed God was with them, they trusted that the temple (church infrastructure) was their safe haven, and what they didn't know was God already left them alone, and God was after them to give them their punishments. 

The Nation of Israel wasn't faithful to God. They created gods out of wood and worship them, even when God commanded not to. They put so much importance on money that they are not even aware that their money is becoming their god, they rely on money, they protect and fight for money, they love money. They lie and even used God's name in vain. They did not respect the Sabbath Day, because of their love for money, they did not even give the land a chance to rest. They dishonor. They kill. They commit sexual sins of all kind: adultery, premarital, incest. They desire so much that they are willing to kill and rob. 

That was Israel's repetitive sin. 

We, Filipinos, cannot come clean before God, because we are not far from Israel's doing. It seems like, we are subconsciously imitating Israel's past.

Jeremiah urged his nation to repent and go back to God (not repent then go back to their wrongdoings.) 

What we need to do is repent before God, leave our wrongdoings (and feelings), let God change us, trust God, seek God, obey God, love God, be selfless, and love our neighbor (I'm talking about real love! Christ-centered love, not a selfish one.)

It is not an opinion, but a fact - that the Philippines is being governed by sin, and we must repent, and go back to God and leave our wrongdoings.  And the least we can do is love God because from there, love for our neighbor will outpour. 
Yes, truth hurts. But we need truth to slap us in our faces and beings to fully realize and admit that -- we do not love God that much!

We do not love God that much, that we are living in sin.

Because if we love God firsthand and foremost, we will consider him in all things that we do and we will obey everything he commands us to do. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Karma, Folk Beliefs, Luck (Karma, Pamahiin, at Swerte)

If you believe in God, you shouldn’t believe in karma.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, and call yourself a Christian,
You shouldn’t believe in Buddhist’ and Hindu’s principle.
Karma is based on the theological belief in reincarnation.
First, the Bible doesn’t support reincarnation.
Christians believe that we only have one life here on Earth.
And after that, eternal life - whether - in eternal heaven or eternal hell.
Second, the Bible teaches the principle of sowing and reaping.
You will reap what you sow.
You will harvest what you planted.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you shouldn’t believe in karma.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you shall believe all of His teachings.
You shall not mix His teachings with karma just to fit your judgment and actions.
If you know that you have been sowing bad things,
It’s not too late, repent and turn your back from those bad things.
It won’t guarantee that what you planted will not grow.
But what it guarantees is the reaping you shall get eternally will be altered,
Because Jesus reaped the punishment for you in the cross already.
Repent and be baptized. Be forgiven and stop and start.
Stop sowing bad things. Start sowing good things.
If you are using karma to judge others, stop!
Because if you believe in Jesus, and in all of His teachings,
You shall understand that judging others is not our job.
We are called to be a witness,
And it is our job to extend the grace we received from God
To all people, whether, good or bad sowers.

If you believe in God, you shouldn’t believe in folk beliefs.
Folk beliefs were acquired from folk religion teachings.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, and call yourself a Christian,
You shouldn’t believe in folk religion/s.
Folk believes are the things that we should be commenting “Oh come on, it’s already 2017.”
Not the truth, not the Bible, because God’s word is constant, unchanging.
Folk beliefs are filled up with “sympathetic” magic and superstition.
These things will have an effect on you or your actions if you put your faith in it.
As for Jesus, whether you have faith in Him or not, God’s word will still stand.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you shouldn’t believe in folk beliefs.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you shall believe all of His teachings.
You shall not mix His teachings with folk beliefs just to fit your judgment and actions.
What God requires of you is faith in Him,
That He alone can save,
And not your superstitious mixed belief in Him.

If you believe in God, you shouldn’t believe in luck.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, and call yourself a Christian,
You shall believe that all events in our life is God-ordained.
Not by chance, or doesn’t directed by the laws of nature.
Even the result of coin tossed or dice rolled is God’s decision.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you shouldn’t believe in luck.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you shall believe all of His teachings.
You shall not mix His teachings with luck just to fit your judgment and actions.
Whether God caused something to happen or allowed something to happen
You shall trust that God in His sovereignty still has the last words in everything.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

This Old And Cranky Bark

In the future, 
my hair will turn white and less; 
my skin will be rough; 
and even though I don't smile, 
my face will have some cracks. 
In the future, I will be like this bark, 
old and cranky, 
but still alive and blooming, 
for one ultimate purpose: 
to live life for the glory of my maker, 
until He takes me away from my place 
and to finally see His face.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Twilight at the flying port

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Things Are About To Change

as the weather changes..

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sea in the Sky

And God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. And God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Musandam Blessing

Friday, September 18, 2015

Not Your Good Works

You may be a good man, moral enough for the people around you to be considered better than those criminals, sure, far better than them.

But are you sure that you, being and considerably a good and moral man, will be accepted in heaven? Are you sure, where you will go when and after you die?

Nah, don't tell me, that you will be reincarnated to another body once again, because who wants to repeat all the miseries you've gone through. And please do not tell me that even if you will go to hell, surely after that you will go to heaven. My friend, this is not a joke. It is not like a prison cell that you need to spend for a certain time then after that you will be free once again. Take your afterlife seriously. We are talking about eternity.

You cannot boast to God that you have been a good and moral man all your earthly life. God hates proud people. But here's the cue, God loves humble people.

Humble yourself before God humbles you, humble yourself while you are in earth, because the fact is chances are too many as long as you are alive, but when you die, sorry, but all will be too late.

You cannot save yourself a slot in heaven by your good works, by you being a good and moral man. Yes, it is true, it is written, God himself said that. But God can give you a sure slot under one condition: Believe that God alone can save you, believe that God alone can give you that surest slot in heaven. And if you believe in God, believe also in His son, Jesus, they are inseparable.
Believe that you will share Jesus' inheritance in heaven by believing and having the faith that Jesus' sacrifice, dying on the cross, is the perfect substitute for the payment of your sin that you yourself must be paying. Jesus died for your sin to save you. Jesus rose again after 3 days to prove that He is God.

Only God can save you, and Jesus is the only way. This is the truth that will lead you to eternal life. Are you going to believe this truth? Or are you going to deny God?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
