Thank You for drawing me near to that edge
Where I felt so hopeless and forever
Alone I was, trying to save myself
I used every source to get help
I think, I act, I even asked
What have I done? Why is it happening to me?
I was trying to save myself
Not to fall on that edge
I got anxious and afraid
That instead of enjoying the mountain view
I cursed that I was there
And controlling was my biggest mistake
Until I finally gave up
Accepting that my life is a regretful one
I let go, and standing on that edge
After surviving a near fall
After all the controlling, I decided to jump
Because I had no other choice
Disabling to bless that edge
Were the days I died
And jumping for a free fall
Was the day I was reborn
On that edge, I thought I was strong enough
But that edge was Your way to get through me, to bring me near to You
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